Job requirements Mine Manager in the Ottawa Region

Find out what you typically need to work as a mine manager in the Ottawa Region. These requirements are applicable to all Managers in natural resources production and fishing (NOC 80010).

Employment requirements

This is what you typically need for the job.

  • Oil and gas managers usually require a bachelor's degree in geology, earth sciences or petroleum engineering.
  • Forestry managers usually require a bachelor's degree in forestry science or forest engineering.
  • Mining and quarrying managers usually require a bachelor's degree in mining engineering or earth sciences.
  • Several years of experience in a supervisory occupation in the particular industry are usually required and may substitute for formal education requirements.

Source National Occupational Classification

Professional certification and licensing


If this occupation is regulated, you may need to get a professional license from a regulatory authority before you can start working. Licensing can be compulsory or voluntary, depending on the occupation.

  • If the licence is compulsory, you must be certified before you can practise the occupation and use the professional designation.
  • If the licence is voluntary, you don’t need to be certified to practise this occupation.

Find out if this occupation is regulated and contact the regulatory authority to learn about the certification process.

List of Associations

Associations are organizations that may provide news to its members about networking events, professional development and other common issues for people working in the same industry.

List of Associations
Associations Contact information
Regional level
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers - Ottawa

275 Slater Street, Suite 1000, Ottawa ON, K1P 5H9

Phone number -

Do you want to work in another province or territory?

If you are already certified to work in a regulated occupation in your province or territory, it will be easier for you to have your certification recognized in another province or territory. See the Workers Mobility's website to learn more.

Labour Market Information Survey
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