Resources for job seekers


Browse our resources and advice to improve your job search and prepare for the workplace.

Key steps of a successful job search

Other job search advice and resources

How to use Job Bank

Get a quick tour of the tools and services available to you on Job Bank and learn how to use them.

Resources for specific groups

Access resources and information designed to help specific groups of job seekers to participate in the labour market.

Employment centres

Find the closest employment centres offering in-person assistance near you.

Green jobs

Learn about how green jobs can help the environment and search for green job opportunities advertised on Job Bank.

Transportation jobs From our partners 

Learn about job opportunities and other resources available that can help you find work in Canada’s transportation sector.

Equi'Vision From our partners 

Compare data on work representation and pay gaps experienced by women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities in federally regulated private-sector workplaces.

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